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  • Location: 
    Castres, France

  • Telephone number: 
    07 81 17 39 34

  • Registration number in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS):
    SIREN 824 853 188

  • Contact details of the site host: 
    Raison sociale: WIX


   For the respect of copyright, MME CALDO-ROUANET Marine owns the intellectual or intangible property rights on its creations. All data composing its website such as photographs, videos, texts, logo are legally protected. Thus any copy, modification, reproduction or distribution of a work or part of the elements of the site made without authorization and without payment of copyright is prohibited by law (unless prior written authorization from: MME CALDO-ROUANET Marine).

Right of use license and copyright ©

   Internet users recognize that the elements making up this entire site are subject to French and international law on the Intellectual Property Code (Article L122-1), both in terms of its form and content. Internet users are prohibited from keeping, interpreting, appropriating, directly or indirectly, by any means and in any form whatsoever, part or all of this site. The infringement of any of his rights constitutes the criminal offense of counterfeiting (art. L 335-1 to 335-10 of the Intellectual Property Code) is punishable by imprisonment for two years and 150,000 euros fine.

Conditions of use of the site

   MME CALDO-ROUANET Marine accepts no responsibility for any inconvenience encountered when accessing its site or for any communication failure. Users are required to take all appropriate measures to protect their computer hardware, data or software, in particular against computer viruses circulating on the network. Under no circumstances can it hold the creator of the site responsible for damage caused by a virus when connecting to its site.


By accessing this site, Internet users accept these terms of use and legal notices. In order to respect the publication of MME CALDO-ROUANET Marine's photographs on the internet, users will be asked:

_ To use and share the photos for private, non-commercial use

_ To use and distribute Wedding Slideshows in the private sector and in the family circle

_ When the photos are published on the internet: Quote the name of the Photographer

_ When the photos are published on the internet: Share the link on the Photographer's website

_ When the photos are published on the internet: Keep the Photographer informed

_ To respect the mention "reproduction prohibited without authorization"

_ To respect the ban on modifying the original works

© 2020 by Marine Caldo-Rouanet

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